Motif Keterlibatan Kaum Ibu dalam Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini di Jakarta Barat


  • Fitriani F Syahrul



In solving Early Childhood Education (ECE) problems comprehensively and tactfully  need to involve parents and community, especially mothers. Involving mothers in ECE aim at empowering them to educate their children, so they are not only depending on government program. Spectacular growth of ECE institution is about 13 institution at Grogol sub-district in the two years shows that the role of mothers’ association called PKK in ECE. The mothers’ association participation on ECE is interesting and fascinating to investigate where at the same time the government tries to increase mothers emancipation. On the other hand the euphoria   of  ECE  growth needs well manage for continuity. The continuity of ECE program are questioned because most of teachers and managers are not well educated on ECE. Most of them are Junior High School graduates, pension or an house wife. The research are trying to investigate, (1) what is the motive of the mothers involvement in ECE institution? (2) what is  mothers   idea about  ECE continuity in dealing with budgeting, services, and  quality of education. Based on data collected from 80 respondent using questioner and analyzed by   descriptive statistic and qualitative. The research findings are as follows: Firstly, the involvement of mothers are to act devotion by helping other people, to implement their   knowledge and their experience in former job, and  the need for achievement; secondly, the mothers idea about the ECE continuity are finding for donation, socialization the important of ECE, and increasing teacher competence through training.



