Studi Kualitas Air Sungai Ciliwung Berdasarkan Bakteri Indikator Pencemaran Pasca Kegiatan Bersih Ciliwung 2015
Abstrak - Kegiatan Bersih Ciliwung dilaksanakan untuk menanggulangi dan mengurangi pencemaran Sungai Ciliwung, kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan sejak bulan Oktober 2014. Kondisi Sungai Ciliwung saat ini menunjukan kondisi yang lebih baik, sehingga perlu dilakukanya studi lebih lanjut mengenai bakteri indikator pencemaran air Sungai Ciliwung dan resistensinya terhadap antibiotik yang dapat memberikan dampak secara langsung atau tidak langsung kepada penduduk yang tinggal di daerah aliran sungai (DAS). Pengujian terhadap kualitas air sungai Ciliwung berdasarkan faktor fisika dan kimanya serta keberadaan bakteri indikator pencemar terutama coliform masih perlu dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menngetahui kualitas air sungai Ciliwung berdasarkan faktor fisika, kimia, dan menentukan faktor biologi indikator pencemaran. Sampel air Ciliwung didapat dari titik di sekitar Rindam Jaya. Waktu pengambilan adalah pagi hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sungai Ciliwung tergolong sungai yang tercemar. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan rendahnya nilai oksigen terlarut dan tingginya nilai total padatan. Perbedaan suhu air sungai disebabkan oleh faktor aktivitas manusia dengan membuang sampah ke sungai sehingga proses penyerapan panas matahari berbeda-beda. Secara biologi, kualitas air sungai ciliwung menunjukkan adanya pertumbuhan bakteri coliform yang ditandai dengan nilai MPN/100 ml sebanyak ≤ 1100 yang tergolong tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan standar coliform air minum.
Kata Kunci – Sungai Ciliwung, Kualitas Air, coliform
Abstract - Ciliwung Clean Activities is carried out to tackle and reduce the pollution of Ciliwung River, the activity is carried out since October 2014. The condition of Ciliwung River now shows better condition, so it is necessary to do further study on the bacteria indicator of Ciliwung River water pollution and its resistance to antibiotics that can directly or indirectly impacts the people living in the watershed (DAS). Tests on the water quality of the Ciliwung river based on the physics factor and the kimanya and the presence of pollutant indicator bacteria especially coliform still need to be done. The purpose of this study is to determine the water quality of the Ciliwung river based on physical, chemical, and biological factor factors of pollution indicator. Ciliwung water samples are obtained from the point around Rindam Jaya. Taking time is morning. The results showed that the Ciliwung river belongs to the polluted river. It is characterized by low dissolved oxygen value and high total value of solids. The temperature difference of river water is caused by human activity factor by throwing waste into the river so that the process of solar heat absorption is different. Biologically, the water quality of Ciliwung River shows the growth of coliform bacteria which is marked by the MPN / 100 ml value of ≤ 1100 which is high compared to the standard of drinking water coliform
Keyword: Ciliwung River, Quality of Water, coliformReferences
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