Analisis Pohon Filogenik dari Protein Non-Struktural 1 (NS1) Virus Dengue di Kawasan Asia Tenggara


  • Vanny Narita
  • Asma Omar
  • Agus Masduki



Protein non-struktural 1 adalah protein Virus Dengue yang terkonservasi, tetapi protein non-struktural 1 dari Virus Dengue yang berbeda strain memiliki epitop berbeda yang dapat dikenali oleh sel-B. Epitop-epitop ini mungkin disusun oleh asam amino yang sama dalam urutan yang berbeda. Kemungkinan ini perlu dipertimbangkan dalam rangka memprediksi epitop sekuensial Virus Dengue. Tujuan penelitian kami adalah menganalisis hubungan kekerabatan dan susunan asam amino pada epitop spesifik yang telah dikonfirmasi dari sampel representatif gen protein NS1 dari Virus Dengue di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Hubungan kekerabatan protein non-struktural 1 dianalisis dengan perangkat lunak Lasergene®. Sekuen gen ditranslasi terlebih dahulu ke urutan asam amino, dan analisis pohon filogenetik kemudian dilakukan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa hubungan kekerabatan protein non-struktural 1 berkisar antara 72-98%. Selanjutnya, epitop serospesifik dibandingkan berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data dnegan Lasergene. Perbandingan epitop serospesifik menunjukkan bahwa asam amino yang dominan dalam epitop adalah histidin, tirosin, glutamine dan serin

  AbstractNon-structural 1 protein is a conserved protein of dengue virus, but non-structural 1 proteins of dengue virus from different strains have different epitopes which can be recognized by B-cell. These epitopes may be constructed of similar amino acids in a different arrangement. This possibility  must be considered in order to predict the sequencial epitope of dengue virus. The objective of our study was to analyze the phylogenetic relation and the arrangment of confirmed specific epitopes of dengue strains  from representatives of South East Asia’s NS1 dengue gene samples. The phylogenetic relation of non-structural 1 protein sequences from South East Asia was analyzed with Lasergene® software. The gene sequences were translated to amino acid sequences, and phylogenetic tree analysis was performed. The results showed that the relatedness values among full sequences of non-structural 1 protein were 72-98%. Furthermore, the serospesific epitopes were compared according to the Lasergene results. The serospesific epitope comparation showed that the dominant   amino acids in these epitopes were histidine, tyrosine, glutamine and serine.



