Pembentukan Identitas Penggemar Melalui Media Baru (Studi Pada Remaja Penggemar Boyband K-Pop 2PM)


  • Citra Nuranisa Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Al Azhar, Jakarta


Hallyu, K­Pop, simbolic interaction, media and globalisation


Nowadays, hallyu or Korean Wave is becoming a phenomenon in various coun­ tries including Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the country which became a target to spread one of Hallyu Wave Product which is K­Pop. K­Pop itself is a Korean popular music which including various genre of music such as pop, rock, jazz, R&B, hip hop, and reggae. The presence of K­Pop in Indonesia through media is also a form of music globalization through media which can form someone’s new identity. This research tries to find out how fans’ identity formation through new media.

This research used a descriptive qualitative method with in depth interview. This re­ search used globalization and media, popular culture, fans and popular culture, and self identity formation by Stone (1982). Informants in this research chosen with purposive sam­ ple, they are adolescent K­Pop fans from 19­22 years old.

After doing this research, concluded that new media and intensity of its use contrib­ utes in forming users’ identity in media use aspect. Intensity of media using that used by informants could make them found many information and alternatives related to identity as K-Pop and 2PM fans. After being a fan of K-Pop, informants also formed their new identities that also change their life style which seen from their appearance, consumption behavior, and informants’ conversation topic.


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